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2018, Houston, Short Term Missions:

Houston 2018 – First Day Sharing

It’s nice to have this first day under our belts. God has shown himself so powerfully already.

Today was packed full. We enjoyed getting to know the Shepard’s better. Together, with the Shepard’s, we went to church. Then we headed to a neighborhood and started sharing the gospel door to door. Following the neighborhood, we witnessed at a mall. Here is a description of how we share the gospel. Luke 10:5-11 is our model for how we engage. We always greet them with a blessing of peace “asalam alekum” which means peace be upon you. We pray for any who are sick or hurting and proclaim that the kingdom of God is near (the gospel!). If someone is receptive we stay. When faced with rejection or opposition we move on knowing that God has a harvest ready for us somewhere else.

Here are a few of the highlights from today:

– God gave us many opportunities to pray with people as well as share the full gospel.

– God led us to a muslim woman who would like to meet again and talk about Jesus!

– One man we shared with, Jésus, was eager to give a bible to and share the gospel with a depressed friend. He had heard other false gospels before, but upon hearing the true gospel he recognized it as the truth.

– We are able to recognize some of the attacks of the enemy against us as well as how faithful God is in answering specific prayers.

We are feeling encouraged and praising God for all he is doing! While there have already been good things happening, there have also been some hard things. Here are a few prayer requests:

– Two of us are sick

– Pray against all spiritual attack

– Boldness