DAY OF REST,……Happy Sunday! Praying for Calvary church this morning as we head out to hear pastor Andy preach. Yesterday was another productive day here in Guyana. More building projects. The highlight of yesterday was our alligator hunt. We all got in boats at night and off we went with one gun. They were hard to hunt but we got a couple. The exciting thing was watching a local man jump in after it was shot to find it!!!! Many laughs and memories being made. We continue to use flexibility in our language and do what God is asking us to do for his kingdom. For those of you who know Kathleen and her kitchen this next news will shock you……She allowed Dan to come in the kitchen and cook this morning!!! { teachers pet}.
Prayers request:
Health and energy
We can use today to rest and enjoy the day
We can encourage the people here
We can all find time to spend with the Lord with our busy schedule here
Also that we can remember Gods word in times of trouble:
Lean on, trust in. And be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insights or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize. And acknowledge HIM, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Thank you, love and hugs from the Guyana team