A Day of Service
Greece has late starts to their Sundays with church not beginning until noon. It gave us all a chance to rest after a late night at the festival before the church service and preparing for VBS.

We had the opportunity to experience a Greek Church service and hear their beautiful language praising God. While we couldn’t understand their words, you could feel God in the room. Luckily, we did have a translator to interpret the message for us.
The rest of the day was spend preparing crafts, games, and snacks for VBS. The church is now decorated in superhero decor to fit the theme. We took time to coming up with super hero names for the whole team. We can’t wait for this opportunity to share the gospel with the kids of Pangrati!
Daily Prayer Requests:
Continuing prayers for health and safety throughout the whole trip.
Prayers as we worship for our hearts and minds to be ready, and a spirit of serving as we leave the week ahead of us in God’s hands.