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Addressing Email Issues

Having trouble receiving emails from into your Comcast email account? Some accounts seem to be sending any email with an attachment to the spam folder, or possibly marking Calvary emails as spam on your behalf. Try this:

    1. In a browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer) log in to Comcast email account
    2. Click on the envelope to see your emails.
    3. Click on Settings (the gear)
    4. Click on the word Settings
    5. Click on Advanced Settings
      1. Check the Use email safe list box. Then click the [Add an email address]. Type in the following, then press [Add] after each one:
        • any other email addresses from which you regularly receive email from Calvary Church.
      2. Under Spam Filtering, check the box, Automatically move spam and potentially harmful messages to the Spam folder.
      3. Return to your mailbox by clicking on the word Mail

In the future, when you expect to receive an email from Calvary,

  1. Go to your Spam folder
    1. Select any emails from Calvary Church that should have gone to your Inbox.
    2. Click on the Not spam envelope

    The more we mark these as Not spam, the more Comcast will learn and hopefully, in the future, such items will no longer go to your Spam folder.

  2. The selected emails should now appear in your Inbox. If they do not, try the Refresh Inbox arrows.