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2018, Houston, Short Term Missions:

Casting Out Fear

We have all had fears at one time or another. For many years I lived crushed beneath the weight of my fears, but over the past two years, God has been giving me a whole new perspective. There are many fears that could take root as we enter neighborhoods and knock on doors or as we approach people in public places. That’s why I chose 2 Timothy 1:7 to be our theme verse for this trip, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.”

So we cast all our cares on Jesus because He cares for us. We let go of our fear and instead remember that the Spirit of power lives in us and will work through us. We stop focusing on our fear and look around us to see who God wants us to love. And then we love them as Jesus loves them. In our moments of fear we chose to discipline ourselves to go in the face of them. We obey and leave the results to God who is the only one who can open their eyes to the truth.

On the plane here, Kirsten and I gave up our seats so a mother and child could sit together and God led me to sit next to Lindsay. She opened up her life to me and we talked for the entire 3 hour trip. At one point in the conversation, I asked her, “Do you know how a person can go to Heaven when they die?” She surprised me when she said, “I just got chills! Did you know I’ve been thinking about that lately and I don’t think I fully understand. Will you explain it to me?” So I did! Although she did not dedicate herself to following Jesus just then, she has a desire to follow Him and please God. She is seeking Him, but has a lot of confusion because of her past and current line of work. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will give her a desire to read the Bible and that He will fully reveal himself to her! Also please pray that God will provide her with a new way to earn a living.