Tanzania 2025-Home at Last

Tuesday night was the night we arrived back home. It was a long journey but we all made it home. The lord did great things through us and helped us through it. Thank you for following us on this journey and supporting!

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Tanzania 2025-God Provides

              The experiment We got a team photo Sadly today was the last day in Tanzania 🙁 Since it was the last day we made the most of it! We all were there for the pop up VBS, which was a lot of fun. It was a lot of chaos but we powered through it. Much preparation was put into the stations for VBS. There was a craft and many game like, bingo, four corners, bubbles, and fruit loop necklaces. Our theme for it was the fruit of the spirit. We focused on the verse Ephesians 3:20-21. Ann had a lesson at the end about joy and how we bubble over with joy because we have the hope of heaven. We did an experiment to show the kids what it’s like. We took a little container and filled it half full with water, then…

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Tanzania 2025-Farewell and Goodbye

Eva’s beautiful sandals The kids craft The big chapel Friday has come to an end. Many good byes and thank you’s. We all miss them already, but unlike last year we are coming back tomorrow! Saturday is a new day and we are doing a pop up VBS on the fruits of the spirit. We are pumped up for this event. Thank the Lord for it being later in the afternoon so we can sleep in. Eva started the day off with a devotion on Psalms 23. She asked us to read the chapter and say what stood out to us. One thing that was talked about is how the Lord makes us lie down. Not us, we don’t have control to lay and rest but the Lord makes us. The kids had a big group craft of making paper swirls. Eva then hot glued them on the cross Don…

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Tanzania 2025-Clothed

  What a great start to our day – Dan lead us with a devotion about when the disciples were instructed to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the gift the father had promised, the Holy Spirit. In his version it read that the spirit would come and we would be clothed with the power. Then he linked it to what we will be teaching the kids on Saturday (we all have matching fruit of the spirit tshirts, hint hint) the Fruit of the Spirit! We are all gifted with the power to love, exhibit patience, joy, etc! So let’s have a day where we call on the power of the Holy Spirit so that others know we are different and don’t look like everyone else, which isn’t hard to do here in Africa! The kids were taught today that God knows them by name – he sees them, hears…

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Tanzania 2025-Up and Away

The new building Don teaching chapel Jambo/Hello, today was a lot of fun! Lots of high energy from the kids. Ann’s lesson today was on the difference between good and bad, and that God is good. We then did a craft of making little keychains. After school is when the real energy kicked in! We probably sang and danced for and least 45 minutes. We also brought a parachute and bounced a ball on that for a while. Dan continues to teach the MBI students through book 5#. Don joined, but he also taught chapel today and did great. He preached the story Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish. Nancy taught the woman how to crochet scarves and they caught on quick. Cindy’s lesson was on John 15-17. One thing that is awesome is they are building a new building! This building will be used as a cafeteria, instead…

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Tanzania 2025-Strength Needed

There were some goats that decided to walk in today Dan preaching the men Eva sat through a math class Today was day #1 on campus. For 4/6 of us, it was such a sweet time to be reunited with the kids who attend the school, their teachers, and women who came back for the conference. We are overjoyed to be given the blessing of this reunification – it’s a cherry on top of the Sundae moment! Ezekiel and Kezia arrived from Kenya late Sunday night and caught up with us at breakfast. They are our interpreters for the week. Ezekiel was stuck on the wrong side of a flooded river, delaying their departure – we sure are glad they made it! Dan lead the men in manual #5, starting off with the theology of God and discussed the truth of the trinity. He went strong all the way until…

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Tanzania 2025-Beyond the Pavement

Here’s Don preaching away Dan all alone in the front Nancy showing the kids her photos First day is done! Lots was accomplished, our team divided into three groups. Every group went to a different church. Group one consisted of Nancy, Ann, and Eva, we all went to a small brick church on a rocky hill. There Ann preached on Gods sovereignty, and how he’s our God and he’s in control. Group two sadly was just Dan and an interpreter, but he made it work! He taught at the church in Buswela. Dan preached how God makes everything new. Last but not least group three, Cindy and Don. They were at Suwa, where Don taught on how we are the church. Over at the brick church we got to worship in Swahili. High energy, dancing along type of songs were being sung. After the worship and preaching we were able…

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Tanzania 2025-Safe and Sound

We are officially at our final location! All three flights went pretty well, there was some rough bumpy spots here and there but the Lord passed us through. Imagine two full work days spent sitting on a plane! Then add another 1.5 hour flight on the third day.  It’s a lot of work to get here but it’s worth it! After landing in Kilimanjaro, we received our first blessing of traveling with a white haired man and a child! The Visa approval line was so long in Tanzania – after waiting for 30 min, an officer opened a new lane calling “papa Dan” and Eva over, which then drew the rest of us along with them for the special treatment of not having to wait in line, which was a blessing at 10 pm at night seeing that we knew we still had to pass our luggage through customs. Once…

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Tanzania 2025-Planning and Prepping

The Tanzania team is counting down the days till the trip (only 23 days until departure!) A lot of preparation and planning is taking place. Last Monday Eva and Ann were working on getting the games and stations set up for the Saturday VBS’s we are doing with the kids. Don has been putting the finishing touches on his teachings for daily chapels, and Dan has been working on his lessons for the MBI students. Nancy has been busy creating projects for the women and helping plan the logistics. Cindy has also been pretty busy making plans for the women’s conference. God has assigned us all a role to play; pray that God will continue to plan our steps and provide the clarity in the home stretch of prep work!

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