Men of 6:10
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsInductive study of the book of Job meets on Wednesdays. Contact Earl for more information. Location: Room 265 (Entrance K)
Oasis (60+) Bible Study
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsThis weekly Wednesday study will offer us guidance, as we learn to fear the Lord, trust in Him, and to live wisely and well, in God’s care, and in our relationships with others and the world.
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsMonday-Friday | 12:00pm-1:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Mondays | 7:30-8:30pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Tuesdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Sunday Women’s Stag | 5:00-6:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G)
Prayer Walk for Fall Ministries
Calvary Church, Prayer Garden (Entrance C) MIThe Prayer Walk Guide is actually a great summary of the fall ministry activities and can be used anywhere. You can stand or sit before the Lord where or whenever it fits your schedule. We would love your help to commit ministries and activities, each lesson, discussion to God by walking and praying around the church at noon on Wednesdays, November 6 or December 4. You can find a prayer guide in the brochure rack near the Prayer Garden. The guide, with map showing both indoor and outdoor stations and prayer points, will also be available near the reception desk inside Entrance H. Look for the Prayer Walk yard signs outside if you come on November 6 and inside if you come on December 4.
Wednesday Fellowship Dinner
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsA hearty, healthy meal featuring a rotating entree, pizza or chicken nuggets, and a salad bar.
Worship on Wednesday
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsCome join us for Christ-centered worship, fellowship, and learning from God's word. All are welcome!
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsUnshackled is a weekly Bible study designed for men who are transitioning out of the jail/prison system and looking to build a firm, biblical foundation to help them grow and maintain their walk with Christ. Location: Room 256, Entrance K
Worship Rehearsals
MIRehearsals for Praise Band, Choir, and Orchestra occur Wednesday evenings. Praise Band starts at 6pm and Choir and Orchestra start at 6:30. Please contact Christie Thompson if you have questions about rehearsals at
Embrace Life
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsEmbrace Life at Calvary Church is a group for single moms who have children or are pregnant Begins September 11 and is a weekly program that takes places each Wednesday Childcare + Dinner are included Dinner starts at 5:30pm and class starts at 6:20pm (ends at 7:45pm) If you are ready to thrive in motherhood, and learn more about God’s love and plans for you and your little ones, JOIN us at
The Conversation
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsThis is an ongoing group that you can “jump into” at any time. In The Conversation, our goal is to create a spontaneous community comprised of anyone who might walk into Calvary. Together we will seek out scriptural truth, transparency in our lives, truth in repentance, and take time to just fully love on one another by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord! There is no script or study we follow, we let the Holy Spirit take control and follow His prompting. Room 215
Intercessors / Prayer Chain
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsOpen to anyone interested in praying for Calvary Church, its congregation, pastors, staff, volunteers and programming. Meet weekly to pray over emailed requests.
What We Believe Membership Class
Calvary Church, Room 251 MIThis five session class is open to anyone wanting to explore what Calvary Church believes and teaches. It is a pre-requisite for membership, but we encourage anyone who wants to become more familiar with what we believe to take the class. The class is open to anyone 12 years of age or older. Register at Questions: Contact Karen ( at ext. 5173.
Let’s Pray
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsDo you delight in your prayer time or is it a duty? Do you even have a consistent prayer life? Join us as we focus on the delight of prayer. This is a practical hands-on class to actually pray, not just talk about ways to pray. Bring your Bible as we pray through Scripture and experience prayer in a powerful new way. Register at Questions: Contact Karen ( at ext. 5173.
Discipleship 101
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsAs followers of Jesus we are given an incredibly important job… “go and make disciples of all nations.” Are you ready to help others grow spiritually? This class will provide a helpful resource guide for discipleship that covers essentials like how to help someone write their testimony, share the Gospel, pray and read the Bible. We’ll talk about accountability, stewardship and multiplication. Come as a refresher or if you are just beginning to live out the Great Commission. Cost is $5. Register at Questions: Contact Karen ( at ext. 5173.
56: Wednesday Nights
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsJoin us for our Wednesday night programming this year in 56! We will have large group worship, small group discussions, free time activities, and we will be studying the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in our series, ‘Dispatched’. We will be looking into how God is dispatching us to help build up His kingdom in the places He has us.
7&8: Wednesday Night Programming
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsJoin us in Room 208 each Wednesday Night where students will get an opportunity to connect with friends, spend time worshipping God through song and by diving into His Word, play a fun game, and get a chance to dig even deeper with their peers in adult-led small groups (broken up by grade and gender).
Calvary Kids | Kids-N-Action
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsCalvary Kids | Kids-In-Action | Wednesdays, Sept. 11 – May 7 | 6:30-7:45 | Cost: $10 per child Children from Birth through 4th grade are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings for our Kids-N-Action programming! It is our desire that children understand what God says in the Bible, believe it, and put it into action in their daily lives. KNA is designed to foster social interaction through Bible stories, electives, and small groups while facilitating spiritual growth in learning how to put your faith into action! Doors open at 6:15pm. The $10 registration fee helps us offset the cost of some really fun things we will be giving away to your child! If cost is an issue, reach out to Brooke Hensler about scholarship opportunities. If your child is in Pre-K, this program is only available to kids whose parents are in a class/study or volunteering at Calvary on...
H.I.S. (Healing Injured Sisters)
Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand RapidsHave you been wounded in the past – either emotionally or physically? Do you have a conflict going on within yourself? Do you seem stuck or defeated in some area of your life? Are you ready to begin the journey of healing? Jesus wants to bring healing and restoration to you so you can live in the FREEDOM he has for you and enjoy the ABUNDANT LIFE. Learn to be an OVERCOMER in God’s Love, Mercy and Grace. Space is limited and registration is required. Registration for this class begins August 2024 Contact: Calvary Care at (616) 956-9377 ext. 5628 or