This morning’s devotion was from Ephesions 3. We were reminded to put on the full armor of God.
We completed our second work day at the All4Aid center. Today we added a clothing store to the list of offerings at the center during our visit. Women are given a limited number of tickets to use at their appointment to choose what they need. The clothing store is stocked with used clothing donations from local charities, and new bras and underwear which had been collected from Calvary’s Tuesday morning ladies’ bible study. In total, they donated 700 items, and money for us to purchase a few hundred more. What a blessing!
The spa room is a place to relax and get some much-needed pampering:
Pretty nails:

Cleaning showers:
Towards the end of the work day, most refugees had left and the team was transitioning to cleanup mode. It had been a lively energetic day. Trisha had to stop sweeping to do another task. When she returned, she found that a Syrian mom of 2 had started sweeping the floor. The team explained that they didn’t expect her to help, but she was welcome to join. She was happy to join in, and it seemed important for her to be able to join in on the mundane task which she is probably not able to do while living in a refugee camp.
Putting away wash/dried clothing donations:

The team took a trip to visit the remains of the former refugee camp on the island, Moira. It served as the largest refugee camp in Europe from 2013 until 2020 when it burned down.
We had supper in Mytilini: Souvlaki and Greek salad

We followed it with ice cream and a training exercise on loss, to help put volunteers in the shoes of the refugees who have lost so much.

We thank you so much for keeping our team in prayers. Please continue to pray:
– that the team will have stamina to work well on Wednesday (which has historically been the most challenging day of the Lesvos ladies’ trips.)
-for the health and safety of the team (including the All4Aid workers)
– that the children and ladies will see the love of Jesus in the love and care that we share with them.