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Moving to Two Services June 28

Beginning June 28, we are moving to two Sunday morning worship services. The services will be at 9:00 and 11:00am, and shortened some to allow adequate time for transition and cleaning between services. Registration for each service will be limited to 500 attendees. As our state continues to make great progress toward containing the spread of COVID-19, we are excited to take this step forward as a church body.

We know that there are still many who are either medically unable to attend or not comfortable with an indoor public gathering of this nature. Both services will be livestreamed and we encourage you to gather with your small group or members of your Adult Sunday Class as we take steps back toward worshipping together in the Sanctuary. Please note: at this time childcare is not available, so you will be worshipping as a family.

Thank you for your support and prayer throughout this season. Registration is now open for services on June 28 and July 5 at Please note that all on-site attendees are asked to follow our Worship Service Guidelines. Based on current attendance patterns we don’t anticipate needing to cast lots to select attendees. We will be monitoring attendance as we move forward and considering whether to add additional services. Registration will close midnight the Saturday prior to each service.

If you have a fever or have had close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please do not register at this time. Anyone who doesn’t feel safe to attend should continue to stay home. In fact, if you are over 65 or have compromising health concerns, attending a public gathering such as this worship service puts you at a higher risk for experiencing more serious complications from COVID-19.