In 2020, the Lord had us as a church in the book of Revelation. During this time, the world was in the midst of Covid which had a “Revelation-like” feel. God was beginning to shake the foundations of the earth. He was shaking up the kingdoms of the world making room for what He wants to build, His unshakeable kingdom here.
From August 2021 to August 2022, we studied Genesis in which the Lord had been laying the foundation to rebuild what was shaken and crumbled. We went back to the beginning and were reminded that God is the Subject of all things, God is in control of all things, and He has a plan to rebuild and restore, a plan to make all things new, and a plan to bless all peoples on the earth.
In Matthew, the Lord will be rebuilding His house on this repoured foundation. Through this series, we will hear the teachings of Jesus week after week and to the extent that we listen and obey is the extent to which His house will be built on the rock and not on shifting sands.
Rebuilding is a long process and a lot of work but by God’s grace through our time in the Gospel of Matthew the Lord will do a transforming work in our lives and in our church. God’s promise to us is that He will be with us on this journey of transformation as we focus on Jesus Christ, our Teacher, our Lord, the Messiah. We are His church, His Kingdom manifesting itself in this place.