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Jim Samra
  • Speaker
  • Jim Samra
  • Minister & Senior Pastor
Date January 19, 2014
Content Relationships, Submission
  • This sermon looks at the role of husbands, and really all men, as established in 1 Peter 3. Husbands are asked to first to submit to the role God has laid out for them to play in marriage. The verse goes on to call men to be considerate to their wives, and to treat them with respect. There are two reasons why men are called to this, the first being that women are more vulnerable within the world. Knowing the world is a more oppressive place for women, men are called to understand this difficulty and respect what women face every day in this world. Husbands are also called by Peter to respect the place of women in the kingdom of God. Finally, Peter concludes that all of this action is needed so that nothing will hinder your prayers. The idea here is that this passage is about more than marriage it’s about mission – God wanting to do great and mighty things through men. These things are dependent on how they interact with the women He has placed in their lives. For if a husband cannot treat his wife with compassion, mercy and consideration how will he interact with God?