The new building

Don teaching chapel
Jambo/Hello, today was a lot of fun! Lots of high energy from the kids. Ann’s lesson today was on the difference between good and bad, and that God is good. We then did a craft of making little keychains. After school is when the real energy kicked in! We probably sang and danced for and least 45 minutes. We also brought a parachute and bounced a ball on that for a while.
Dan continues to teach the MBI students through book 5#. Don joined, but he also taught chapel today and did great. He preached the story Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish.
Nancy taught the woman how to crochet scarves and they caught on quick. Cindy’s lesson was on John 15-17.
One thing that is awesome is they are building a new building! This building will be used as a cafeteria, instead of the chapel. That will be better for the kids to move from eating to being ready to listen.
Asante/Thanks for the prayers about the toddlers. Today we kept them pretty busy playing outside with the soccer balls we brought. It tired them out after a bit and were calm for the rest of the time.