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2017, Spain, Short Term Missions:

Spain Team: thank you for sending a Calvary team in 2017!

There was a gentle and kind man whom we met in Spain.  To protect him from his family we will call him Peter.  Peter told our team how he came to know Jesus.  He was passing through channels on his radio and started listening to an international Christian broadcast and felt such a burden on his heart that right then and there he gave his life to Jesus.  We all wept with him as he explained how his communist family ridiculed him and his brother beat him very badly for his decision.

Just to give you an idea of how profound his love of Jesus is and what he faced in telling his family: Peter’s family calls some bullet casings their most cherished heirlooms they were used to kill Christians in Spain’s past.

This precious man is one of the many people we met while doing our ESL teaching in Lugones, Spain.  Peter was a beginner in our adult ESL class. We were eager to support him as he learned English words and some simple phrases but more than that we prayed, sang religious songs and lifted him up as a fellow Brother in Christ.  He needed that, and we were so blessed to be there for him.

Peter held us close and hugged our missions team crying and making us promise to see him again next year.

Thank you for sending another team to Lugones, Spain to teach ESL and for the privilege to tell our testimonies to the people – spreading the hope of Jesus.

If you want to partner with our team stay tuned and I will publish their prayer calendar.  They are still looking for $5,057.50 in support to pay for their expenses which covers everything from their plane tickets to the ESL supplies for both kids (during the day) and adults like Peter (at night).

Thank you Calvary for the honor of sending another team to work with our Missionary Jaime Clore and reaching the people for Jesus.

In Christ,

Natalie Uecker


Give Online at* the trip is called Spain 2017 and the team name is listed as Team Support.

*You will need a MyCalvary account to give online.

Email with any questions.