Missions & Outreach Contacts

Celeste McDonough
Minister & Team Leader,
Mercy & Missions

Larry Milks
Minister & Director of Missions

Vida Wilson
Associate Director, Mercy & Outreach

Jennifer Engels
Ministry Assistant, Mercy & Missions
Requests Received in January 2025
Dave & Laura
Pray as Dave keeps the planes in shape to fly where there are no roads.
Laura helps at the school
Jeremy & Joy-Secure
Asking God for the provision of a house in a good neighborhood with reasonable proximity to the locals that can serve as their family home for years to come
A smooth school transition for the kids mid-school year
Form more relationships and get into 2 new nomad camps in addition to the 2 camps where they are already building relationships
Begin sharing chronological Bible stories with ten people
Mobilize one or more local believers to partner with their work among the locals
Mobilize one or more long-term cross-cultural workers to join their ministry team
Tom & Jan- SECURE
Pray for the new believer being baptized, and a few others who are asking about salvation
Having recently gained some new workers for outreach, they are now doing 3-4 outreach tours a month
The more outreaches, the more needed funds. Pray the Lord provides
Many health challenges in their family need prayer
Sal & Rawan- SECURE
Pray as they continue with wheelchair ministry, micro-businesses, humanitarian aid, and preaching the gospel
The needs are huge, but the people need to see Jesus in God’s people
Jamie & Annika- Europe
Asking God to prepare the way for them to minister in Spain to the Basque people
Pray for Annika’s language learning
Pray for them as new parents
Peter & Raquel- Europe
Peter is in charge of IT for a large region with their organization
Pray for them as new parents doing ministry and starting a family
Sean & Liz- Greece
For their residency process to continue to move forward as we still haven’t heard from the government about our status
For a couple really great relationships to see Jesus’ love through them
For the start of this next ministry season. Many plans.
For more Greeks to come to their church plant and to know the LOVE of God
For growing ministry aspirations for Sean – in the praying and very initial planning stages for a possible new project
The Americas
Marv & Dawn- Refugees
Arrived safely Sunday evening around 9pm. All luggage arrived too!
Monday was a settle in day as the local population celebrated Epiphany and everything was closed
They welcomed two short term volunteers, from Australia and the UK
Back to work with Jesus in the lives of the refugees and the locals around us Your prayers for daily strength and safety are so much appreciated
Jon & Kris- SECURE
Pray that God will bless their efforts in language learning
Pray for the NB church as they distribute blankets. May the people receive the fragrance of Christ
Pray for those which they encounter in MI to come to a full faith
Bruce & Debbie- Crossover Global
His knee is healing well. He’s able to ride a stationary bike 5-7 miles a day.
They are moving their operations to Florida for January and February.
Meetings will be on Zoom .
January 18-24, he returns for a week of in-person meetings and a ordination council
Car issues
Wisdom in his mentoring.
Debbie’s foot is hurting as is her knee, and he still not 100% since from the flu.
Dave & Sonja- SECURE
A new daughter-in-law, and second grandchild, a dental school graduation, and the passing of Dave’s mom were some of their highlights for 2024
Sonja continues to homeschool their youngest, which she asks prayer for.
Dave continues to travel all over the world helping with start-ups to lift people out of poverty, among many other things
Anna- CEF
Pray for new CEF! clubs starting for the New Year
Pray for the children that accept Christ at these clubs in the schools to grow in their faith