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Missions Prayer Requests

Missions & Outreach Contacts

Celeste McDonough

Celeste McDonough
Minister & Team Leader,
Mercy & Missions

Larry Milks
Minister & Director of Missions

Vida Wilson
Associate Director, Mercy & Outreach

Jennifer Engels
Ministry Assistant, Mercy & Missions

Requests Received in April 2024


Jeremy & Joy – SECURE

    • They are beginning a new approach to making contacts by doing “Prayer Drives”. They get in their vehicle and drive to the different people groups and pray for them.
    • Pray as they hear the needs of the people, that they hear the voice of God directing them how to move forward with the gospel now that they know the heart of the people.
    • Pray for protection, as the enemy doesn’t like this work.

Dan & Teresa- SECURE

    • They returned from the Christian Leaders Fellowship World Conference in Houston, Texas.
    • They are still grieving the loss of their 15 month old grand baby. Continue to pray for God’s comfort.


Glenn & Mary- SECURE

  • Saturday they did an outreach called “Story for the Soul”. Ask God to continue to work on the hearts that heard.
  • Pray for the follow-up appointments that will be made to encourage those who heard to take that step of faith
  • Pray for protection, as these countries are not friends to Christianity

Tanner & Kelsey- Secure

    • Praise that the celebrations for the end of Ramadan gave them lots of opportunities to meet with neighbors and make connections
    • Pray as Tanner has submitted documents for continued registration to stay in country
    • The new school year for their children is going well
    • Continue to lift up Tanner and the business with Bible studies, as well as the exercise classes Kelsey is doing with the women that should be starting back up.


Jamie & Annika- Europe

  • Next steps in the transition process to a new mission, and travels back to Germany
  • Connecting well with supporting churches and friends
  • Good health – Annika is still recovering from influenza-B
  • Baby Clore!
  • Financial Support


Roy & Jennifer- Europe

  • For Lara as she grows in her new understanding of Jesus, her decision in terms of school, and that her boyfriend left her because of her new faith.
  • For our Egyptian friend Mina who is marrying an American missionary, Nicole. We have been doing pre-marital counseling with them.  This is especially necessary due to the fact that they come from two quite different cultures.
  • For our Alpha course which is going on right now.  Two of the current participants have already given their lives to Jesus.  Pray for Mary, a grandmother, and for Julie, a 15 year old high school student.
  • Please pray for Micah, Katrina, Theo and Ariadne for safe travels.

The Americas

Mike & Cher- USA

  • Praising God for their ministry that spanned “our first day…Jan. 18, 1982, and our last day…Aug. 14, 2023”
  • They witnessed people who used to follow witch doctors who now follow Jesus!
  • Pray as they continue to travel all over the USA visiting supporting churches, that they are protected on the road

Jon & Kris- SECURE

  • Jon starts phase 3 of learning to speak the language.
  • They are rejoicing for the time they had in the country, including the boys sharing faith and growing to love the people
  • They are now back in the USA reaching out to internationals, and training others to do the same.
  • Pray as God directs them to what He wants them to do for His kingdom.


Bruce & Debbie- SECURE

  • Bruce recently returned from his 23rd CAC where he had meetings from 7AM-9:30PM daily. The best speaker ever was a MBB!
  • R is suffering the after affects of the last 9 months. Pray for him and his wife to be refreshed.
  • Pray for balance for Pastor S, as he has many “hats” for the church in CA
  • The CA youth are dynamic and moving for Christ.
  • Pastor I, though imprisoned before, has now been asked by the government to be part of an unfaith advisory team.
  • Pray for Y and T, reaching the North African countries with the gospel in the midst of fighting.


Anna- CEF!

  • Calling all Christians to host a 5 Day Club in your home this summer!
  • Also Pray that God would draw young people to attend the Christian Youth in Action (CYIA) training to teach at the 5 day Clubs, and in the schools the following school year!
  • This past year 6 Good News Clubs had 94 kids enrolled and resulted in 3 professions of faith! We are very thankful for the 21 volunteers who faithfully taught and served in the clubs.