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The Jerusalem Project: Train

To equip men and women to serve in the church, the Jerusalem Project: Train Branch emphasizes spiritual formation and practical ministry training.

Training Videos

J-T Richards, New City Church

Pastoral Residents

The Pastoral Resident Program is a two-year mentoring and ministry training program designed to prepare future church leaders.

Sam DeHaan

Sam began his residency at
Calvary Church in August 2022.

Katherine Stubblefield

Katherine began her residency at
Calvary Church in August 2022.

Ordination & Commissioning

A one-year ordination and commissioning cohort program provides men and women with guided preparation for future church leadership.

These theological terms are used differently in churches and denominations around the world. At Calvary, ordination is the process where the elders recognize and affirm that the Spirit has called a man to life-long pastoral ministry. Commissioning is the process where the elders set apart men and women for ministry, affirming the Spirit’s call on their lives.


The Leadership Development Forum teaches spiritual formation principles and leadership fundamentals to men and women serving at Calvary.

Work Residency

Designed for High School & Young Adults (16-20)

Work Residents learn how to Worship God in all things, stewarding their Occupation and Relationships to further God’s Kingdom.

This residency combines work experience, skill acquisition, spiritual formation, and life skills training. The Work Residency cultivates a biblical understanding of work and worship, calling, interpersonal relationships, and work skills with a kingdom mindset.

More information here.

Worship Residents

In partnership with Jordan Koller and The Local Church, The Jerusalem Project funds the School of Worship, a one-year worship leader training program. Launched in October 2020, the School of Worship provides theological training, practical experience and intentional coaching to men and women who desire to become worship leaders in a local church setting. School of Worship students regularly lead worship at a local church, learn how to pastor worship teams, and gain insight from a collective of area pastors and worship leaders.

Elliot Ketcham

Calvary Church

Claire Neumaier

Calvary Church

Reanna Doonan

Covenant Community Church