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Prayer Groups

Prayer for Fall Ministries at Calvary

Prayer Walk for Fall Ministries
November 6 and December 4 | Noon | Prayer Garden (Entrance C)

Walk and pray and commit this ministry season to the Lord. Prayer guides will be available as you walk around the building to help you pray for each ministry and some of their upcoming fall activities. You might say, I can do that from home. That’s true. But a prayer walk is a physical act of demonstrating your trust in God.

The guide is a great summary of the various ministry prayer requests that you can use at any time, whether walking, sitting, by yourself or with a group!

Pick up a Prayer Walk Guide outside the Prayer Garden or at Entrance H or on November 6 and December 4 at any blue yard sign located at various entrances.

Featured Prayer Group

Intercessors / Prayer Chain
Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 212
Contact: Nate Thompson

Open to anyone interested in praying for Calvary Church, its congregation, pastors, staff, volunteers and programming. Meet in person to pray over requests emailed weekly.

In Person Prayer Groups

Meets Every Other Month
(see calendar f
or dates)
Contact: Susan Sorensen

Gather for inspiration and prayer as we take steps of faith into our neighborhoods, workplaces, families and friend groups with outreach Bible Studies.

Boiler Room Prayer
Sundays | 8:50am-12:00pm | Rm 212
Contact: Cindy Marrell at ext. 5997

Prayer is to our Worship Services like gas is to your car. Without gas, your car is a pretty garage ornament. Without prayer, our Worship Services might also look pretty but lack power—God’s power!  If you believe that, we’d love to have you stop and pray for a bit with others for the ongoing services. Open to all, come and go as able.

Elder Prayer
First Tuesday | 6:15-7:15pm
Contact: Trish Thompson

The elders meet to pray over individuals in the Chapel area. You are welcome to come unannounced, but it is helpful to contact Trish here or Cindy at ext. 5997 to so she can put you on the schedule.

Grand Awakening
First Thursday | 7:00-8:30pm | Chapel, Entrance C
Contact: Randy Hekman

This is an exciting prayer gathering where we invite many West Michigan churches to join us in praying for revival of The Church of West Michigan leading to a great spiritual awakening that brings thousands to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Intercessors / Prayer Chain
Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 212
Contact: Nate Thompson

Open to anyone interested in praying for Calvary Church, its congregation, pastors, staff, volunteers and programming. Meet in person to pray over requests emailed weekly. Submit prayer requests to Cindy.

Pastors’ Prayer Partners
Sundays | One Service Monthly
Contact: Chip Hoebeke

Receive weekly updates from the Pastoral Staff via email or postal mail. Your role is to pray with a team of prayer warriors during one service a month and pray in your own home regularly for their requests.

Pre-Service Prayer
Sundays | 8:30-8:50am | Room 211 (East of Chapel)
Contact Jon Bjork
Come pray with the morning’s teaching pastor that God would bless our morning services. All are welcome.

Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Fourth Sunday | 10:15-10:40am | Room 110

Contact: Jane Chamberlain

Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith. Register for our prayer list and join us between services once a month.

Prophecy and Prayer
Second Sunday | 4:30-5:55pm
Contact: Cindy Marrell at ext. 5997

Based on 1 Cor.14 we meet to share a hymn or word of instruction for the encouragement of our church. Two or three speak and the others weigh carefully what is said. Time is spent praying what we’ve heard from the Spirit.

Third Monday Missionary Prayer
Third Monday | 11:30am-12:30pm | Room 255
Contact: Susan Mangione

Join us in person, with virtual option, to hear updates and pray for our missionaries around the world. Prayer points and Zoom link can be emailed.

High School Parents Prayer
First & Third Sundays | 5:15-6:15pm | Room 207  (Sept.-May) 
Contact: Stephanie Hodgson

Starts with the HSM team sharing what they see God doing in the youth group as well as prayer requests, then lifting those before the throne of our gracious God. No sign up necessary. Your student that rides with you can hangout in the hall outside of Room 208.

Prayer Email Newsletters

Forever Hope Adoption & Foster Care
Twice Monthly
Contact: Sheri Schmidt

Pray for families at Calvary who are adopting, fostering and providing respite care, that we become a more hospitable and merciful church. Requests emailed.

Generations at Prayer
Weekly Email
Contact:  Lynda Freeman

One of the most important and powerful things we are able to do as parents and grandparents is pray for our family. Requests are shared along with prayer tips.

International Ministry
Once Monthly
Contact: Lou DeGraaf

An email is sent out twice a month to a group who has committed to pray for this ministry primarily serving the Korean community residing in Grand Rapids but also extends to other Internationals living in the area.

Jerusalem Project Prayer Team
Monthly emails
Contact: Chris Snedeker

Join us in praying for our current Church Partner Projects, our Church Plants and our Church Training Programs. Requests emailed.

Neighbors International
First Week Each Month
Contact: Sonja Yeates

Neighbor’s International is Calvary’s international college student ministry. Join us by receiving emailed prayer requests each month for the students and also Friendship Families.

Pastor Jim’s Prayer Partners
Contact: Erika Sparks

People on this team agree to pray daily for the Samras and for the church. Jim emails out requests throughout the week.

Refugee Ministry
Contact: Lana Duiobes

An email is sent out twice a month to a group who has committed to pray for this ministry.

Renew Crew Prayer
Twice Monthly Emails
Contact: Joe Symonds

Pray for the Affordable Housing team as they seek God for direction and guidance on how his people can be a light into the darkness that is the housing crisis in GR. Pray for an abundance of volunteers to do the work and for discernment on pursuing projects.

Saturday Night Prayer Team
Saturday Nights
Contact: Amber Koster

Team members pray on their own for a half-hour shift from 8:00pm-8:00am every Saturday night with a minimum one-year commitment. Participants specifically pray for Pastor Jim, his family, and all aspects of the Sunday services. Prayer guides and the order of service are provided.

Widows Ministry
Contact: Lynnell Bok

An email is sent out monthly to a group who has committed to pray for this ministry.