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Fifth & Sixth Ministry

Welcome to 56 Ministry

56 is a place where each student is known, loved, cared for, and trained up in truth.

Check out our Programs!

Wednesday Nights

Join us for our Wednesday night programming! We have large group worship, small group discussions, free time activities, and we will be studying the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in our series, ‘Dispatched’. We will be looking into how God is dispatching us to help build up His kingdom in the places He has us.

Monthly Events

Join us for our next event! Every second Friday of the month we host an event in our space for 5th and 6th graders! To find out what we have come up with this month take a look at our calendar HERE!

When you invite a friend, please have them complete this Calvary Release Waiver and bring it to the event!

Sunday Class

Join us for our parent and student Sunday class! This year we will be walking through the Old Testament and seeing how it all points to Jesus! We will have art projects, interactive lessons, and in-depth conversations about this deep and fascinating topic! Join us during the second service, as this class is meant to be a supplement to your time worshiping with your 5th and 6th grader in the main service.

Dads of 56 Bible Study

If you are the father of a current 5th or 6th grader, you are invited to join us for a weekly Bible Study held on Monday Mornings, 6:30-8:00 AM in the Gathering Place. We will get to start off each week spending time in fellowship and in Scripture saturated conversations. All are welcome! 

What Every Parent Needs to Know about 56!

We are a Gathered Assembly. Primarily as we gather with the rest of the Body of Christ to worship on Sunday mornings. In addition to that primary gathering, we host 56 on Wednesdays, our Sunday classes, and our monthly events.

We are a Caring Family. 56 has some truly amazing leaders who know our students by name, pray over them, and engage with them every week!

We are a Maturing Body. We understand that middle school is not an easy time for many students! Through small group discussions and interactions with peers, we encourage each student to grow together in their faith.

We are a Serving Community. We encourage students to be servant-leaders, to serve their leaders, peers, and most importantly, Christ. We also strive to help students see that they can be a light and serve others simply by having a great attitude and showing positive behaviors!

We are a Witnessing People. We encourage students to grow in truth and to see that they can trust God and His word. This is important, as it equips each student for the questions that will come their way as they share their faith with others. To encourage being a good witness, we host monthly events that our students are excited to invite friends to!

How Do I drop off and pick up my student?

In 56, we offer a graduated experience from Calvary Kids. Although we love to see and talk to parents that stop by our space, students are allowed to sign themselves in and out of class during weekly programming. There is someone stationed at our check-in desk to greet everyone when they arrive. And when programming is done, we encourage families to have a designated meeting place in the church!

We will always have a greeter at the designated Calvary entrance to welcome and say goodbye to our students during special events!


Why does Sunday morning programming include parents?

The primary goal at Calvary Church is for your 5th and 6th grade student to worship alongside their family in the main service. By requiring parent participation, we can help encourage family worship. Alongside that, we cover some deep topics, and having the parent engaged with the lesson ensures that they are equipped to further discuss the topics throughout the week. 


What happens when programming is canceled?

If 56 programming is canceled, we do our best to send you an email! Calvary follows the Forest Hills Public School System for weather-related cancellations. Whether it is due to a snow day, illness, or trip out of town, we all have to miss a Wednesday night now and then. In order to continue moving forward with our schedule, we record and upload our Wednesday night lessons each week on our 56 YouTube Channel so you can stay up-to-date with what we are learning!

Can my child bring a friend?

The answer is YES! Your child may bring another fifth or sixth grade student to any of our weekly programming or special events. When you invite a friend, please have them complete this Calvary Release Waiver or complete our at-home printable Waiver/Release and bring it to the event!


Where Is 56 Located?

We meet in the lower Student Ministry wing, primarily in room 108. To find us, head down the large staircase on the left side of the Sanctuary, turn left at the bottom of the stairs, and you will  find us at the end of the hallway. 

In 56, our rules for staff, volunteers, and students are to stay FRESH!

F – Friendly. We are to be kind to one another, just as God commands in Ephesians 4:32.

R – Responsible. We are to be mindful of how we are engaging with others in our space. It is up to the individuals how responsible they are willing to be, but according to Romans 14:12, we know we will be held accountable for how we act.

E – Encouraging. We want to encourage and spur one another on as Proverbs 27:17 says.

S – Selfless. Thinking of others will help form us to be like Christ. He was willing to make a big sacrifice for us, so we should be willing to make sacrifices for one another just as I Corinthians 11:1 tells us.

H – Helpful. Keeping our eyes peeled on how to help one another is a specialty in the church. Just as the Holy Spirit is our helper, we are to help one another, as we see in John 15:26-27.

You can find weekly uploads of our Wednesday Night Lessons and be sure to subscribe to our 56 YouTube Channel!

Be sure to register your child for 5th & 6th so we can add you to our email list! Our ministry emails will keep you up to date on all of our activities.

Feel free to reach out to David at any time with questions, concerns, or to get any additional information.

Meet Our Team!

David Prichard
Director, Fifth & Sixth Ministry

Darcy Walukonis
Ministry Assistant, Students and Young Adults