Believing that God calls us to compassion and advocacy, Calvary Church has specifically chosen to reach out with the message of Christ’s love to the vulnerable and oppressed.
As Christ’s ambassadors, where do we start to help make a difference in the lives of people facing these issues? Calvary partners with a number of like-minded global ministries through which we can meet physical and emotional needs and share about knowing Christ as Lord and Savior.
For information about how you can volunteer with one of our global partners, contact Lana Duoibes.

Bangla Ministries Worldwide
On a mission to make reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ among the Bengalis.

Deaf Opportunity OutReach (Door) International
A non-denominational, Christian ministry with a vision to bring God’s Word and biblical Christian fellowship to Deaf communities worldwide.

Development Associates International
Enhancing the integrity and effectiveness of Christian leaders worldwide so that the church can fulfill its role in extending the Kingdom of God.

Global Heart Ministries
The message of Jesus is blocked in many parts of the world and people are living without hope. Leveraging innovative technology, they bypass political and cultural barriers to spread His message across the Middle East and Central Asia. We give creative access to Jesus through digital media, faith-building resources, and connection from cyberspace to the Underground Church.

Institute for Bible Translation
IBT’s main aim is to translate, publish and distribute the Bible in the languages of the non-Slavic peoples living in Russia and the other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Mission India
They walk alongside churches and missions in India, equipping them to do the work God has called them to do.

Operation Mobilization
Works in over 110 countries, motivating and equipping people to share God’s love with people all over the world. OM seeks to help plant and strengthen churches, especially in areas of the world where Christ is least known.

Partners In Evangelism
A church-planting ministry working with fast-growing churches made up largely of converts from Hinduism and Islam.
Calvary has the privilege to support their ministries in Guyana and India.

The Seed Company
An organization devoted to Bible translation and life transformation.

Youth for Christ International
A worldwide Christian movement working with young people around the globe.