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Senior’s Ministry Contacts

Don Hancock

Don Hancock
Minister & Director,
Senior Adult Ministry

Carla Julien
Ministry Assistant

Oasis@Home/Care Feedback Form

Please fill out the form below for each person that you visited this month. Thank you!

    Oasis Wednesday Bible Study

    If you are unable to attend Bible study in person click on this link to join virtually
    This link will allow you to view past messages.

    Our Mission

    The Senior Adult Ministry is a vibrant community devoted to spiritual growth, celebration of faith, caring for one another and serving as Godly examples.

    Our Vision

    We are intentional in celebrating our faith in Christ through worship, testimonies and evangelism. We encourage spiritual growth through Bible study, prayer, and giving. We participate in community events created to strengthen unity and belonging as we love and care for one another.

    We have a team of people who are passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    Our Worship Team is one that seeks to focus on themes of our Bible Study to help assist us in preparing hearts to hear the Word of God. 

    We seek to see all growing deeper in God’s Word. This is the reason we encourage our older adults to connect with a Calvary small group or adult class. We also foster community and desire life change through our weekly Oasis Bible Study. 

    This aspect of ministry seeks to help individuals apply their gifts to minister as a lifestyle. It is accomplished through special classes and service opportunities. 

    Whether a private need or one that is made public, we want to uphold one another in prayer. We understand nothing significant will happen in this ministry without it.

    Whether a timely card, special gift, flowers, meal or just a call, this ministry helps our community model the love of Christ 

    This is a ministry to those who can no longer physically attend church services.  There is a team of faithful volunteers that visit regularly and church elders who serve them communion. 

    There are about five of these a year month. We gather for a great time of singing, eating, laughing and hearing a special speaker. 

     These fun trips offer the opportunity to ride together to see sites, enjoy meals and just experience life in community. 

     Throughout the year special concerts and a variety of other activities allow us to build community. 

     Each year we gather at a beautiful location to spend time focusing on the Lord through study and worship, and fun activities. 

     Throughout the year our more active people enjoy pickleball, biking, and other activities where they can fellowship through physical activity. 



    Oasis (60+) Singles Meet & Greet | 6:00pm-8:00pm

    Meet your new friends while enjoying some cider and donuts together. Location:  Grand Rapids Township Park, 1836 E. Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids


    Oasis (60+) Bible Study | 9:45am-11:00am

    Job 12:12 states, “Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old.” Are you convinced of this? We recognize the journey of getting older comes with blessings, lessons and challenges, but do you feel any wiser? As followers of Jesus, were not to approach aging with dread, but as a gift from God. “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” (Proverbs 16:31) And a righteous or God-honoring life can only come by the sanctifying work of the Spirit. A work constructed through His guidance. This weekly Wednesday study will offer us guidance, as we learn to fear the Lord, trust in Him, and to live wisely and well, in God’s care, and in our relationships with others and the world. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)


    Oasis (60+) Bus Trip | 7:30am-5:15pm

    The morning will start out with coffee and donuts at Calvary Church. Then to the Fort Custer Museum and Cemetery where a step on guide will join us. Lunch will be in Battle Creek. Then off to the Air Zoo Aerospace & Science Museum. After that we will enjoy Ritter’s Frozen Custard. Contact Carla at 616-956-5504 to sign up.


    Oasis (60+) Bible Study | 9:45am-11:00am

    Job 12:12 states, “Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old.” Are you convinced of this? We recognize the journey of getting older comes with blessings, lessons and challenges, but do you feel any wiser? As followers of Jesus, were not to approach aging with dread, but as a gift from God. “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” (Proverbs 16:31) And a righteous or God-honoring life can only come by the sanctifying work of the Spirit. A work constructed through His guidance. This weekly Wednesday study will offer us guidance, as we learn to fear the Lord, trust in Him, and to live wisely and well, in God’s care, and in our relationships with others and the world. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)