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Groups & Classes

Adult Ministry Contacts

Susan Sorensen
Minister & Team Leader, Adult Ministries

Mark Schaap
Minister, Adult Ministries

Quinn Santa Ana
Director of Small Groups

Karen VanHolstyn

Karen VanHolstyn
Associate Director, Adult Ministries

Carla Julien
Ministry Assistant, Adult Ministries

Ministry Focus

It is in community where people experience God’s love by meeting together regularly, studying God’s Word, praying together and caring for one another. The following are opportunities for all adults to gather in community together. For a list of age-specific groups see the page for that specific ministry.

Calvary Equip Classes will help you gain knowledge of tools of the faith, find enrichment in your faith, obtain skills to do the work, receive opportunities to practice and find direction on next steps. This is a great way to journey deeper in your spiritual formation.

A Man & His Fatherhood | 6 sessions | Wednesday, September 11 – October 16 | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 265 | $10
Register at
A Man and His Fatherhood will help you begin to think strategically about being a dad and help you prepare to launch healthy sons and daughters into the world. This study is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth.

Art of Marriage | 6 sessions | Wednesday, September 11 – October 16 | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 261 | $20 per couple
Register at
What could your marriage become? Discover ways to connect and live out God’s “artistic” vision for marriage. There are his and her workbooks to help engage with the six video sessions. Whether you’re looking to make a good marriage better or you feel like it’s on life support, God designed your union to be a life of joyful togetherness much bigger than “happily ever after”.

Discipleship 101 | 8 sessions | September 11 – November 6 | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 252-254 | $5
Register at
As followers of Jesus we are given an incredibly important job… “go and make disciples of all nations.” Are you ready to help others grow spiritually? This class will provide a helpful resource guide for discipleship that covers essentials like how to help someone write their testimony, share the Gospel, pray and read the Bible. We’ll talk about accountability, stewardship and multiplication. Come as a refresher or if you are just beginning to live out the Great Commission. 

What We Believe Membership class | 5 sessions

This five-session class is open to anyone wanting to explore what Calvary Church believes and teaches. It is a pre-requisite for membership, but we encourage anyone who wants to become more familiar with what we believe to take the class. The class is open to anyone 12 years of age or older.

Two Classes:

Sunday, September 15 – October 13 | 10:45am-12:00pm | Room 251-253
Register at

Wednesday, October 30 – December 4 | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 251-253
Register at

Rooted: Small Group Experience | 10 sessions |Sunday, September 15 – November 17| 4:00-6:00pm | Room 260 Pod – all six rooms | $20
Register at
Are you looking to better connect to community here at Calvary? Rooted is a new experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Together, in groups of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. These spiritual rhythms aren’t new, or something the church recently created, every one of them is found in Acts 2 where the early church began. Limited childcare available.

Using your Spiritual Gifts | 5 sessions | Wednesday, September 18 – October 16 | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 251-253
Register at
You have been given a special gift by the Holy Spirit in order to build up the church body! Come and discover your spiritual gift and how you can use it. In this course you will be equipped with a greater understanding of how spiritual gifts work in the church and the next steps to using your gifts for God’s glory.

A Man & His Design| 6 sessions | Wednesday, October 30 – December 11 | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 265 | $10
Register at
There are so many voices out there that are telling men what it means to be a man.  Discover God’s design. A Man and His Design is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth.

Let’s Pray | 5 sessions | Wednesday, November 6 – December 11 | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 261
Register at
Do you delight in your prayer time or is it a duty?  Do you even have a consistent prayer life? Join us as we focus on the delight of prayer. This is a practical hands-on class to actually pray, not just talk about ways to pray. Bring your Bible as we pray through Scripture and experience prayer in a powerful new way.

All of our Adult Sunday classes are committed to engage more deeply with the Bible and authentic biblical community.  The focus of each class is growing in God’s Word, care, prayer, and community.  We encourage you to visit a few of the classes to see where God may be leading you to connect at Calvary Church. Questions? Contact Karen.

9:00am Classes

Ambassadors  | Chapel | A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults.

Flock | Room 252 | A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults.

Faith Builders | Room 260 | A medium sized teaching-oriented class of couples and singles 50+.

Family Tree | Room 251-253 | Does not meet on the 1st Sunday of the month | A medium sized multi-generational sermon discussion class focused on doing life together as we pray for one another and share what God is teaching us through the Sunday sermons. First Sunday is a potluck at someone’s home after second service.

Growing in Relationships | Room 261 | Only meet 2nd,  4th & 5th Sundays | A large teaching-oriented class of married, single, and remarried adults.

L.A.C.E. (Living After Christ’s Example) | Room 255 | Does not meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month | A small teaching-oriented class for women of all ages and life stages.

Young Marrieds | Room 264 | September – May |Designed to create community among newly married and engaged couples, while learning to keep Christ at the center of our relationship.

10:45am Classes

Faith & Fellowship | Room 264| A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages.

Heirs Together | Chapel | A large teaching-oriented class of single and married senior adults.

Journey | Room 265 | A large teaching-oriented class of all ages and life stages.

Koinonia | Room 260 | A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages who love Jesus.

Legacy Builders | Room 106A | A small discussion style class of all ages and life stages that study the Bible inductively verse by verse.

Sojourners | Room 252 | A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised primarily of senior adults who are seeking to become more inter-generational.

Monday Night Bible Study
Fall Semester 
– September 16 – December 2 | 7:00-8:30pm | Gathering Place | $10 per semester
Winter/Spring Semester – January 6 – May 5

Register by September 9 at noon at

Men and women come together for large group teaching and gender specific small group discussion of the lessons. Our study this year, After God’s Own Heart – A Study of 1 & 2 Samuel, will lead us on a heart-transforming journey to know better God’s heart, encouraging our hearts to become more like His.

Questions: Contact Karen VanHolstyn