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Weekly Focus:

Missions Movie Night | February 14

Are you looking for something fun to do this Valentine’s Day? Parents, leave your kids at home with a babysitter and have a date night with your special someone. Ladies, gather a group of your closest girlfriends and celebrate together. Singles, just because you’re unattached does not mean you need to be alone this Valentine’s Day. You are all invited to a free movie night at Calvary. Popcorn and candy is on us!

What movie are we showing? This Friday from 6:30pm-8:30pm we will be showing the movie, Mully. This rags to riches story challenges how we hear from and respond to God through documenting the true life of a wealthy Kenyan man who gives to help those in need. He lives out Jeremiah 22:16 which says, “He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well.” This movie will leave you encouraged and excited by hearing how God provides. Pick up a ticket to use as an invite or reminder at the Connection Point.

For admission, bring one hygiene item to donate to Calvary Care. We would really appreciate it if you would sign up for the movies; it will help us know how many snacks to have on hand. Sign up at, under registration.