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Weekly Focus:

Devote Yourselves to Prayer | August 4-10, 2019

Over the next three weeks, our weekly focus will be on  prayer in preparation for the upcoming ministry year. The Lord’s Prayer is a great place to reflect whether you consider yourself a prayer warrior or you are new to praying.  

When asked by His disciples how to pray, Jesus starts with “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9). There is without a doubt an encouragement to see God as He is, holy, set apart, powerful, sacred; to profoundly reverence Him and to actively bring Him praise. He is in heaven reigning over everything He created, being worshiped by all of heaven and creation. 

Jesus said, “hallowed be your name.”  The beauty of getting to know God’s names is learning about His nature and personality as we meditate on His various names. Just like finding your Psalm for certain seasons of life, you can hold onto one of His names for strength, comfort, to help you focus on the Holy One, to praise the Almighty.

Yet It strikes me afresh the name of God used here by Jesus is “Our Father.” Through Jesus’s sacrifice we are God the Father’s beloved children (Eph 5:1). Through the Spirit we cry out to “Abba, Father” (Gal 4:6). Through the great gift of prayer, we nurture this relationship. We can be like Nehemiah who asked, “Lord let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name” (Neh 1:11).

Won’t you consider nurturing your relationship with the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit by joining a Calvary prayer group? You can find more information online at or sign up on the prayer tab at