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Event Series Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Living Transformed by God’s Grace Join us as we spend time in worship and studying the book of Ephesians.  The study will strengthen our faith by remembering God’s purpose for our lives; His priorities. central to our lives; His Church, to serve others through our lives; and His transforming power to live lives in Christ. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)

Oasis (Older Adults) Luncheon

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Gary Feenstra is the Executive Director of Maranatha Bible & Missionary Confer. God has mapped our lives for specific purposes and has provided us with the resources to fulfill them. Come and enjoy lunch and great fellowship.  Purchase your ticket at Wednesday Bible Study or by contacting Petra before October 30. Location:  Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)

Event Series Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Living Transformed by God’s Grace Join us as we spend time in worship and studying the book of Ephesians.  The study will strengthen our faith by remembering God’s purpose for our lives; His priorities. central to our lives; His Church, to serve others through our lives; and His transforming power to live lives in Christ. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)

Event Series Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Living Transformed by God’s Grace Join us as we spend time in worship and studying the book of Ephesians.  The study will strengthen our faith by remembering God’s purpose for our lives; His priorities. central to our lives; His Church, to serve others through our lives; and His transforming power to live lives in Christ. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)

Event Series Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Living Transformed by God’s Grace Join us as we spend time in worship and studying the book of Ephesians.  The study will strengthen our faith by remembering God’s purpose for our lives; His priorities. central to our lives; His Church, to serve others through our lives; and His transforming power to live lives in Christ. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)

Oasis (Older Adult) Luncheon 

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

NorthPointe Christian Chorale will bring us the sounds of the season. Join us for a delicious lunch and great fellowship. Purchase your tickets at Wednesday Bible study or contact Petra ( by November 27. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)

Event Series Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Oasis (Older Adult) Bible Study

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Living Transformed by God’s Grace Join us as we spend time in worship and studying the book of Ephesians.  The study will strengthen our faith by remembering God’s purpose for our lives; His priorities. central to our lives; His Church, to serve others through our lives; and His transforming power to live lives in Christ. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)

Oasis Singles Christmas Dessert & Drama

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Singles (age 60+) register to watch the Calvary Christmas Drama at together in the Sanctuary followed by a dessert fellowship afterwards.  R.S.V.P. to Phyl by December 6. Location: Room 251 (Entrance K)

Christmas Cookie Pageantry & Sampling

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Oasis (Older Adults) and Widowed are invited to enjoy wonderful fellowship, discover new friendships, taste delicious homemade Christmas cookies.  Enter your favorite cookie into the contest to be judged. Afterwards attend Calvary’s Christmas Drama (reserved auditorium seating provided). A beautiful way to celebrate our Saviors birth together. Cookie bakers and cookie eaters are all welcome to attend. Register for both events by December 4 at Location: Room 251 (Entrance K)

Oasis (Older Adult) Christmas Brunch 

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Join us for a waffle bar with eggs, sausage and Silly Christmas Sweater Contest. Prizes will be awarded in five different categories. Our special guest will be Mark Welling. He will lead us in a Christmas Carol Singalong. Purchase tickets at Wednesday Bible Study or contact Carla by December 7. Location: Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)  
