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Event Series 7&8 Sunday Morning Class

7&8 Sunday Morning Class

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

We are super excited to offer a space for Seventh & Eighth Grade Students on Sunday mornings! 

Calvary Church believes that each student (above 4th grade) should be attending Calvary's Sunday Morning Worship Service. Therefore, this class is not a replacement for, but in addition to, that service.

Students must attend the 9AM Service in order to be a part of this class. This class is for students only.

The point of this class is to discuss the Sunday morning sermon, offer space for students to ask tough questions, and attempt to draw practical applications for our lives as Middle School Students.

Event Series 56: Sunday Class Unit 4: Pillar

56: Sunday Class Unit 4: Pillar

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Join us for our parent and student Sunday class! This year we will be walking through the Old Testament and seeing how it all points to Jesus! We will have art projects, interactive lessons, and in-depth conversations about this deep and fascinating topic! This class is meant to be a supplement to your time worshiping with your 5th and 6th grader in the main service.

Event Series Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Monday-Friday | 12:00pm-1:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Mondays | 7:30-8:30pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Tuesdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Sunday Women’s Stag | 5:00-6:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G)

Event Series Financial Bible Study

Financial Bible Study

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Crown Financial's Money Life Personal Finance Study teaches you how to handle your finances with confidence and faith. Whether you're aiming to pay off debt, establish a spending plan, or grow your investments, the Money Life personal finance study is here to guide you every step of the way. Location: Room 114 Register here.

Event Series HSM: Sunday Nights

HSM: Sunday Nights

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

We exist to connect students to meaningful community with their peers (& awesome adult leaders), and to encourage them to know and follow Jesus for themselves. We also believe in having as much FUN as possible while pursuing those two goals. We strive to be a community that is unified, prayerful, and seeking to serve and we hope you will join us!

Event Series Dad’s of 56 Bible Study

Dad’s of 56 Bible Study

Calvary Church 707 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

If you are the father of a current 5th or 6th grader, you are invited to join us for a weekly Bible Study held on Monday Mornings, 6:30-8:00 AM in the Gathering Place. We will get to start off each week spending time in fellowship and in Scripture saturated conversations. All are welcome!