Prasing God we are home! We arrived in at about midnight. Good byes were hard but praising God for new friends made. We want to thank everyone for praying. We are praising God for all HIS yes answers. No one got sick, travel was good, luggage’s all made it there and back, we saw no snakes on the property , team bonded very well and work was completed. God blessed us beyond what we asked for. We debriefed over dinner in Miami airport. Sharing how we each saw God and how great He is. Please continue to pray for all the abc Guyana churches. Especially pastor Stephine who is still in the hostipal.
All praise and Honor to God , our one true KING!
With love, from a team of strangers who are now close friends
Matt, Lisa, Joe, Bill, Pat, Dan, Tom and Laurie and our new friend John { from anther church }