Inspiration for many of my quilts often came from sources such as a picture or photograph. When I began quilting as a hobby in 2003, I had no idea what I was doing or how to proceed, which resulted in lots of trial and error – a great deal of experimenting. Having no art training, I was surprised with my efforts, and early on, realized that all credit had to go to God. Thus, to honor Him, my quilts have a Biblical reference. Often, at the time of an inspiration, I had no idea what the Biblical reference would be, the prompting of an inner voice usually came during the quilting process. All my quilts are hand quilted. Incorporated into the face of each is its number, the year finished, and my initials.
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn (No. 27)
2013 – hand quilted fabric
Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Years ago, I was told by a theology professor from Princeton that it wasn’t until the 6th century that images of Christ show Him with a beard. Prior to that time Christ’s image was more of an “Apollo-like” figure. The center portion of this quilt was inspired by the earliest known Christian mosaic in Great Britain, believed to be from the 4th century, located in the British Museum in London. The quilt fabric used in this quilt was intended to give a feeling of antiquity.
Fishers of Men (No. 20)
2009 – hand quilted fabric
Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”
The inspiration for this quilt was a print of a watercolor. I modified the print’s image so that the quilt would have a Christian reference, by adding the fish line, fishhook, and bait with the words from Matthew 4:19.
Holy Roots – Holy Branches (No. 25)
2011 – hand quilted fabric
Romans 11:16b …if the root is holy, so are the branches.
This quilt references Pastor Samra’s October 2 sermon on Matthew 2:19-23 entitled “Jesus the Nazarene.” Jesus is the branch who restores and renews. Through the Holy Spirit, we become the branches in God’s plan, doing God’s work, restoring and renewing others. The inspiration was a picture with a similar image.
St. Peter’s Dove (No. 32)
2016 – hand quilted fabric
Matthew 3:16 … and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove….
Similar wording is found in John 1:32, which is the verse referenced on the quilt. The inspiration for this quilt was a small stained-glass window in St. Peters Cathedral in the Vatican.
The Calvary Church Art Committee
Purpose – The purpose of the Art Committee is to promote the visual arts as a tool to support worship and teaching at Calvary Church. We also want to encourage the engagement of visual art that complements our faith, with members of the church and surrounding community.
Mission – The Art Committee seeks to support God’s work here at Calvary Church with the management of its permanent art collection and by sponsoring temporary displays of visual art in the church. Through the support of the church’s Statement of Vision and these tasks, the committee will help to create and maintain an aesthetic environment that will enhance the spiritual and community activities that take place in our facility.
Please feel free to contact with questions.