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2022, 78 Missions, Short Term Missions:

78 Madison Mission Trip 7/25

First of all, thank you for sharing your students with us this week; we are grateful for the opportunity to see them be challenged in their faith journey and are excited to see friendships blossom sans the presence of technology!

We had class time in the morning, our theme this week is discerning truth. Then we went through an exercise of writing out our journey with God and where we are at today. This prepped our team to then go and share our stories with other people on the streets of Madison! To aid in the process, we started with a scavenger hunt – but to earn team points for the crazy photos we took (see many below) we were challenged to have conversations about our faith with strangers! From cheese heads to chocolate ice cream, the kids had so much fun and we were so impressed by their willingness to experience Jesus and share him with others today!

Carolyn, a college bound senior, was college shopping with her dad.  She participated in our human pyramid photo. After the picture was taken, we left them without much further conversation. Then, challenging that group to actually talk to someone about their faith, we agreed to pray for the Lord to bring a young person in our path in the next block. Wouldn’t you know it, God brought Carolyn and her dad chasing after us! They actually approached us and said that we were the highlight of her day! Thus opened the door for one of our students to share her faith and hear about Carolyns faith (which was very little).  We left after praying for her, that God would lead her to the right college, and she gave us her email address so that we could keep in touch! YWAM has housing at the university of Madison for students just like her and we were able to help make that connection for her! Our students got to see God show up today, share their faith and plant seeds for Jesus!


Our evening session was taught by Han, a YWAM leader, who shared his testimony of adoption and his journey from bitterness to gratitude. He lead all of us through an exercise which lead our students to express gratitude for those people who have meant a lot to them. Some of you may have been recipients of a gratitude phone call tonight, which tugged at all of our heartstrings.  To the world you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world. And for that, we as leaders are grateful for a community of believers that are excited to see the next generation of believers being raised up for the glory of the Lord. We are so thankful for your support.