It’s amazing how refreshed we look on the seventh day!
Truthfully…we didn’t look this fresh. We don’t smell so fresh either.
This photo was taken on Sunday, and I think everyone would tell you that Sunday seems like a lifetime ago, but in the very best way possible.
Thank you for your faithful prayers this week! We anticipated that God would be present during Holiday Club/VBS. Many of us have served or attended VBS before and thought we knew what to expect, but we would agree that this experience has surpassed our expectations.
There’s always an element of connecting with the children in attendance, but it was harder saying goodbye to them than normal. Over 80% of the children in attendance do not attend Larnaca Community Church, who hosted this week.
Yes, we wanted to pass out from the exhaustion of this week, but we still felt the urgency for these children and their families to place their hope in Christ. We are emotional thinking about those who shared that this week was the highlight of their summer. Their year.
What will they take away? What will they remember? We pray that if they remember the science experiments, they reflect on the wonder of God who is the Creator of the universe and called life into being. If they remember the games, we pray they thank God for the physical bodies He’s given us. If they remember the songs and dance, we pray they turn to the One who is worthy of worship.
Tonight, our team spent time reflecting on this week and discussing the next phase of the trip that begins when we arrive home. Parents, you entrusted us with your children, and they may look like the same ones you brought to the airport last Saturday, but they’re not. They’ve changed. We have all been changed by the continuing transformation of the gospel.
There’s so much more within each of us, but it’s hard to articulate what this week has meant. We pray that the Holy Spirit gives us discernment on what to share and when once we return.
But it’s now 2:40 am, and we’re about to try and wake up all the kids to prepare for our trip home.
Pray for us!