Hi Friends,
Today we all got to sleep in, which was the perfect start to our free day. Thursday was a late night, so we figured we let the students sleep. On Thursday our cookout was moved inside, due to the air quality. We were joined by other mission organizations and members of the community so around 150 people ended up coming. Since the cookout was moved in doors the decided to gather students to lead worship. Kate, Cece, Ethan and Samuel all volunteered and helped to lead. It was so cool to see them stepping out of their comfort zone. We headed back to the church for an extended time of worship where we concluded this time by praying over each student and leader. We ended up praying over each other for over an hour. For lack of better words, this time was SUCH a blessing and so special for the students and leaders. It is so amazing to see that just in this short time how the students have grown so comfortable with each other and grown in their relationship with God. The girls ended up staying up well into the night playing card games with our roommates from another church. They left today to head back home, and it was so bittersweet saying goodbye.
After a FULL nights rest we ventured out to downtown Milwaukee to tour the city. In the morning we were able to see some highlights of the city including: the riverwalk, the public market, and the historic district. After lunch at the Shake Shack we headed to the beach for some well deserved rest and hang out time. We played football, threw the frisbee, swam in the lake, built sandcastles, and napped in the sun. What a good end to our week! Of course, before heading back to church we had to stop at a tourist shop to grab our souvenirs.
Tonight is karaoke night and lights out time is extended much to the delight of the students. Early tomorrow, we will pack up and head back home. The week has just flown by! Pray for us as we head home and pray that the students would continue to live out their faith as they have here in Milwaukee.
Thanks for following along with us on the trip. We have appreciated ALL your prayers and support. We couldn’t have gotten through the week without you. THANK YOU!
-Abby, Quinn and Mike