We had a full day:
- We started with a brief volunteer meeting and prayer time. It was beautiful to pray with volunteers from all over the world. The heart of the ministry was evident to everyone present.

- Lynnell sorted baby clothes then helped make a plan for squeezing more space out of the “attic” where the clothes were stored. And made a couple new friends! It’s encouraging to see the Lord use people from all over the world to serve together in unity.

- Sherry attended the mommy and baby play time hosted at the church across the street. They played, had snack, played balls, blew bubbles then sang songs. This weekly event is meant to help moms learn how to bond with their children and parent in a healthy way.
- Jim and Bob, along with an amazing volunteer from London/Jamaica, finished the garage shelving! It was a full day for them and they are too tired to describe their day. In fact Jim is asleep in a chair as we write this. (Bob’s doing great though.)

- Krystal worked in the clothing distribution as families came through at their scheduled times and picked out (1) bag of items – a mix of clothes, shoes, underwear, and household items. They had 15 minutes to “shop” and then could relax and have hot coffee and snacks. It was less chaotic than other distribution days which was good.
- It was a hot day, about 90F. We were fortunate to have lunch in one of the air conditioned rooms.
- After the end of the distribution and after the volunteers left, the team stayed on and kept sorting items into new bins to put on the shelves as Bob and Jim finished up. It was a long hot day and we will sleep well tonight.