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It has been a good day, thank you Lord.  We saw progress in our projects at the Center and had sprinkles of relationship building throughout the day.

Jim and Bob worked on shelving for the garage.  The inside storage areas are being converted to classrooms, thus the revamping of the garage.  They worked hard all day, even after most staff went home.

Lynnell, Sherry, and Krystal sat in on a WOW (Women of Worth) meeting in the morning.  A staff member taught on trauma and gave opportunities to share.  We met beautiful, strong ladies from Kurdistan (Iraq), Palestine, Afghanistan and Cameroon.  We asked how we can continue to pray for them after we return to the USA.  Here are some of the responses:

  • Pray for peace across all countries experiencing war and strife.
  • Pray for continued safety of Cyprus, currently a safe place but geographically close to many  conflicts.
  • Pray for their kids attending school, it is exam time.
  • Favor with jobs and acceptance in the culture.

We spent a few hours organizing donated clothing and getting everything set up for the clothing distribution tomorrow.  Then we went shopping for diapers to replenish their stock (see pic below, we filled the car completely). Working side by side with our new friends from so many countries was the high point of the day.

Lynnell’s Current Stray Cat Count: 78.  There are +2 million on the island, compared to 1 million people.  So far we have seen no rats.