Shift Your Perspective on Family this Christmas

“Do not be afraid, Mary: you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High…”  “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:30, 38 I can’t help but wonder Mary’s viewpoint as she listened to the angel Gabriel telling her she was going to be a mother to a child she should call Jesus. It makes me think of family. During this season of gifting would you consider the varied faces of family in your life? Consider the spiritual sister who sends you texts of encouragement and prays for you. Or the father-figure who helped you as you grew up. Remember the grandmother who always sends cards and calls even though you were just the hungry…

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Luggage Needed | November 17, 2019

Did you know that in Michigan alone, there are over 13,000 at-risk children and youth? Did you also know that many of these children have nothing to carry their belongings in but flimsy trash bags? This is unacceptable. Trash bags are slippery, hard to carry, and often break! Wedgewood Christian Services, a local Christian residential care and counseling ministry, is partnering with Calvary’s Forever Hope Ministry (adoption and foster care ministry) and the Missions & Outreach Department to show the at-risk children and youth in our communities that we care by providing suitcases. Through this simple act of providing suitcases, we are demonstrating that we recognize their worth as image bearers of Christ. How can you get involved? Donate: Now through November 24, you can drop off your new or gently used luggage at the Clothes Closet Drop-off, located at the far west end of the building.  Please note: Next…

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Opportunities to Serve in Local our Local Community

When you think of volunteering what comes to mind? Is it helping with the kiddos or serving Wednesday night dinner? If you think of volunteering, and want to help outside of Calvary, consider David’s House.  David’s House has five adult foster care homes and currently serves 43 residents and their families. They also provide community living support services for individuals living in the Greater Grand Rapids area. Their ministry focuses on “physical care, spiritual care, and emotional care” for all of their friends with special needs.  If any of this resonates with you here is what they are looking for: people to play games with the residents, go on walks with the residents, help with spring clean-ups and so much more. On November 10, you have the opportunity to meet with David’s House President, Casey Kuperus, and Director of Advancement, Greg Vander Goot who will be at the Connection Point…

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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Around the world on November 3, Christians will observe an International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians. The term “persecuted Christians” refers to any person who is harassed or attacked simply because they are a Christian. Examples of persecution faced by Christians include but is not limited to beatings, physical torture, confinement, isolation, rape, severe punishment, imprisonment, slavery, and discrimination in education and employment. Research estimates that more than 245 million are persecuted. That is 1 in 9 Christians in the world today. Join us in praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters that they would:  Sense God’s presence (Heb. 13:5) Know we are praying for them (2 Tim. 1:3) Experience God’s comfort (2 Thess. 2:16–17) See God open doors to evangelism (Col. 4:3) Boldly share the gospel (Acts 4:29) Mature in their faith (Col. 1:28–29) Be granted wisdom in covert ministry work (Acts 9:23–25) Remain joyful amid suffering (Acts…

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Opportunities for Designated Giving at Calvary Church

Grace Beyond is a journey the Calvary Church body has embarked on with God over the past nearly five years. A journey of remodeling our building and reshaping our church. Throughout this season we have grown in the practice of giving above and beyond our regular tithes and offerings. As that journey draws to a close, we want to make you aware of four opportunities to continue giving these kinds of gifts at Calvary. Benevolence: These monies go to assist those experiencing a time of need. This fund is open all year, but we emphasize the Benevolence Ministry during our communion services. Jonathan Fund: The Jonathan fund is designed to encourage people at Calvary, especially those who are enduring suffering. We will emphasize this fund during the Lenten season in connection with Jesus’ own suffering, though it is open year-round. Celebrate Missionaries: These monies are designed to bless those who…

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Put Your Faith in Action, Visit the Connection Point | October 20, 2019

This Sunday at the Connection Point you will find copies of the Global Workers Prayer Letters – everyone is welcome to come and pick up a prayer packet. If you missed picking up Prayer Requests from Missionary Kids last week, you can also pick up a packet for you and/or your family to pray through. Missionary Prayer Cards are also available. These cards are a great way to learn quick details about the missionaries Calvary supports and see how you can pray for their ministry. These were available previously but here’s another opportunity to take a deck and pray for our missionaries, especially if you are new to Calvary! We hope to see all of you in the Connection Point this week to take your next step and pick up your packets and prayer cards. We also have some really nice stickers that go great on your fridge, folders, or computers. …

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Weekly Focus | October 13, 2019

We can follow Jesus’ example of blessing the children in a brand new way! This week we’re introducing a new booklet designed to help you and your child(ren) pray for our Missionary Kids.  What You Need to Know: These prayer requests are directly from our missionaries’ children This booklet is meant for our Calvary kids and teens to use and pray for their peers Moms and Dads, Spiritual Parents, Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents: come with your kids to the Connection Point after the service Sunday to pick up your booklet or email Natalie. The Connection Point is located across from the Sanctuary. Someone will be there to greet you and share a booklet. Please commit to praying for these precious requests You can also pick up the Missionary Prayer Letters for yourselves and make it a family time of praying for our workers on the field as they spread the Good…

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October 6, 2019 | Pray for Global Workers

Mark 10: 29-30 | Truly I tell you, Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields – along with persecutions – and in the age to come eternal life….” Our missionaries both in country and around the world have left home and family to spread the gospel; with us as their church family it is our hope that you are remembering them in your prayers.  Just as Jesus said above “along with persecutions” it is our privilege and honor to pray for all our missionaries on the field as they face highs and lows throughout their days. Pray for our current missionary prayer requests.

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Included in Christ: A Celebration of God’s Multicultural Gospel

Something new is coming to Calvary! Sunday evening, October 6, the Missions and Outreach Department is hosting a night that combines lots of what we love about being the church: Calvary people sharing brief, vibrant stories of how God has used them cross-culturally, challenging questions to discuss around our tables, and delicious appetizers from around the world. Join us in the Gathering Place on October 6, 6-8pm, for Included in Christ. Bring your friends or small group and sit together – or meet some new friends around your table. After a brief introduction to the evening, we will hear six short presentations, including: God is Still Rolling Stones: Stories from the Front Lines of Human Trafficking New Horizons After Loss: Continuing in Service in God’s Strength From Missionary to Immigrant: Challenges of Crossing Cultures in Different Roles The Crisis at our Southern Border: Through the Eyes of Mexican Churches Using…

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Mercy & Hospitality | September 22-28, 2019

One of the most effective ways to share the Gospel is by offering mercy and hospitality to those who are in need. In Matthew 25, we are reminded that acts of mercy, deeds that we do for those who Christ calls  the least of these, we do for Jesus Christ himself. In the Mercy and Hospitality ministries of Calvary, we focus on four areas: caring for widows, assisting refugees, coming alongside families who are adopting or fostering, and bringing hope to those in prison.  Prison Ministry: Bring hope and encouragement to those in prison by volunteering to teach, lead worship, mentor or correspond with inmates through Calvary’s Pen Pal Ministry. Contact Ardo at ext. 5182 or Lou at ext. 3618 for more information. Forever Hope Orphan Care Ministry: This ministry focuses on equipping Calvary families who open their homes to vulnerable children through foster care and/or adoption. Become part of wrap around care by…

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