Beauty and Brokenness — Greece 2018

Hi again!
It’s been a while since I’ve written! Last night, I put together a post about our day, but the entire thing somehow got deleted! Oh well, not a big deal.
We have now spent two whole days on Lesvos and have seen much of the…

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Time Flies! Travel Updates – Greece 2018

Hey everybody!
I am beginning this post in the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, but will likely finish somewhere else! It is currently 8:37 in the morning, but at home, it is 3:37… Needless to say, we’re all feeling a little strange and sleep…

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Packing Our Bags for Home

On our last day, Saturday, we packed up our bags and reflected back on what God did on the trip and also looked forward to how we would apply all that we learned. John Shepherd shared with us that some of the biggest evangelistic movements have…

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Houston 2018 – Change of Plans

This whole trip we have had to be flexible with our plans, but not as drastically as today. Instead of doing training with John in the morning, we helped train high schoolers in sharing the gospel! We went door to door with them, shared the gospel…

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Houston 2018 – A Day for Relationships

Today was a unique day. It was very relational for most of us. We spent a lot of time with a few people. We got invited into a few houses and were served food and drink. 
In the morning we did a training session with the missionaries on another…

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Houston 2018 – An Encouraging Day!

Yesterday was another incredible day.
We spent most of our time in the same apartment complex as the day before. We were able to get a lot of practice sharing the gospel. 
– We were able to share the gospel with a little help from…

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Houston 2018 – Invited and Encouraged

Day 3 in Houston: Monday we started the day with worship in song then went on to worship with our words through sharing the gospel. John Shepherd brought us to an apartment complex where we talked to many people who were recpetive to the gospel and…

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Casting Out Fear

We have all had fears at one time or another. For many years I lived crushed beneath the weight of my fears, but over the past two years, God has been giving me a whole new perspective. There are many fears that could take root as we enter…

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Houston 2018 – First Day Sharing

It’s nice to have this first day under our belts. God has shown himself so powerfully already.
Today was packed full. We enjoyed getting to know the Shepard’s better. Together, with the Shepard’s, we went to church. Then we headed to a…

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Greece 2018 – Before We Go

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17
Hi, my name is Taylor, you’ll be reading a lot from me over the next couple of weeks. I am in charge…

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